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Individual At Bats
6 videos
2028 Salil Shoemaker (OK), C-OF, Pioneer Pleasant Vale middle_school, ? 01/20/24, ⏰ 12:04 PM, At Bat 01
2028 Salil Shoemaker (OK), C-OF, Pioneer Pleasant Vale middle_school, ? 01/20/24, ⏰ 12:48 PM, At Bat 02
2028 Salil Shoemaker (OK), C-OF, Pioneer Pleasant Vale middle_school, ? 01/20/24, ⏰ 01:14 PM, At Bat 03
2028 Salil Shoemaker (OK), C-OF, Pioneer Pleasant Vale middle_school, ? 01/20/24, ⏰ 01:18 PM, At Bat 04
2028 Salil Shoemaker (OK), C-OF, Pioneer Pleasant Vale middle_school, ? 01/20/24, ⏰ 01:22 PM, At Bat 05
2028 Salil Shoemaker (OK), C-OF, Pioneer Pleasant Vale middle_school, ? 01/20/24, ⏰ 01:54 PM, At Bat 06
Individual At Bats